Downcomer Fire Fighting Systems are provided residential buildings above 15meter height, this category comprises of buildings of P+5, P+6 and P+7 structures. Fire Department has suggested to provide a Booster Fire Pump with vertical riser and basic equipment on each floor as visible in the images.
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Fire Hydrant System
Below 24 Meter - Down Comer Fire Hydrant

Above 24 Meter Upto 45 Meters - Wet Riser Fire Hydrant
These height residential buildings are provided with Wet Riser, Courtyard Fire Hydrant and Manual Fire Alarm System.
Main Pump and Standby Pump has been provided at Under Ground Water Tank, if the sprinkler system is provided to Basement/Multi-Level Parking then Jockey Pump needs to be installed. Booster Pump is provided at the terrace.

Above 45 Meter Upto 60 Meters

These height residential buildings are provided with Wet Riser, Fully Sprinklred and Addressable Detection System.
Hydrant Pump, Sprinkler Pump, Standby Pump and Jockey Pump has been provided at Under Ground Water Tank. Booster Pump is provided at the terrace.
Staircase, Lobby and Lift Pressurization.
This system can be integrated with other services like Lift , Generator, Boom Barrier, Access Control and SMS Alert System.
Above 60 Meters
These height residential buildings are provided with Multiple Wet Risers, Fully Sprinklred and Addressable Detection System.
Multi Stage Multi Outlet Hydrant Pump, Sprinkler Pump, Standby Pump and Jockey Pump has been provided at Under Ground Water Tank. Booster Pump is provided at the terrace.
Staircase, Lobby and Lift Pressurization.
This system can be integrated with other services like Lift , Generator, Boom Barrier, Access Control and SMS Alert System.

Courtyard Fire Hydrant

Courtyard Fire Hydrant system is installed to fight fire from outside the building. The Hydrant Valves are installed along with Hose Box, Hose Pipe, Nozzle on Each 30/45 Meter interval depending on category of Hazard.