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Fire Fighting System
Fire Hydrant System

Downcomer Fire Hydrant
An arrangement for firefighting within the building by means of downcomer mains of not less than 100 mm internal dia, connected to terrace tank through terrace pump, gate valve and non-return valve and landing valves on each floor/landing. It is also fitted with inlet connections at ground level and air release valve at roof level for being capable of charging with water by pumping from fire service appliances.

Wet Riser Fire Hydrant
Wet-riser system should consist of a pipe or number of pipes depending on the area and height of the buildings permanently charged with water under pressure
with landing valves, hose reel, hose, branch pipe, etc., at every floor level. A provision of pressure differential switch to start the pump automatically, so that water under pressure is available for the operational hydrant, hose reels, etc, as soon as the water is drawn from hydrant landing valves causing the drop in pressure. The system also incorporates a standby pump to come into operation automatically when the normal power supply source fails.

Court Yard Fire Hydrant
The water reservoirs to feed the fire hydrant system should be provided underground, at ground level or at the higher level. It is a horizontal pipeline with the outlet of 63 mm. dia. connected to the underground water tank. Courtyard hydrants to be provided with stand posts as specified in the schedule of quantities.
Hydrant accessories, such as hydrant standpipes, hydrant key and bar suction collecting heads, delivery hoses, branch pipes, and nozzles, etc, should be provided in sufficient quantities for quick operation of the hydrants.

Sprinkler System
Sprinkler Fire Protection System is one of the most reliable and efficient Fire FIghting System having very less maintenance cost. The advantage of this system is that itself detects and extinguishes fire.
A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection method, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flow rate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected.
A sprinkler discharges water when the effects of a fire have been detected, such as when a predetermined temperature has been exceeded.
Pumps For Fire Fighting
Jockey Pump

Hydrant Pump/ Sprinkler Pump
An electric/diesel pump installed at static water tank to charge the wet-riser systems.
1 Stand-by Pump (Diesel/ electrical)
A pump of the same capacity as a fire pump, driven by a diesel engine or connected to any other alternate source of electric supply.

Multi Stage Multi Outlet Pumps
Multistage pumps in multi-outlet design can be fitted with a random number of discharge connections. The pumps are predominantly used in firefighting applications to serve different pressure zones with different pressure levels. The electric motor or diesel engine driven multi-stage multi-outlet pumps can be used for automatic hydrant and sprinkler protection of high-rise and multiple story buildings.
High pressures are required from the pump to supply the top levels of a high-rise building to overcome the high static distance to the highest sprinkler ranges. This means that the pressures to the lower ranges will be higher than the system components and sprinkler head can handle.
Sprinkler systems application – Hydrant systems, Deluge systems, Monitor systems, Water Curtain.

Fire Sprinkler System
Fire sprinkler heads work is fairly simple: the glass bulb is filled with a liquid which expands to break the bulb at a specified temperature.

A pendent fire sprinkler protrudes and hangs down from the ceiling. it sprays in a circular pattern providing the most coverage of any fire sprinkler. The deflector is curved downward, which helps to direct the water out into a cone pattern. Commercial pendent fire sprinklers are best used in offices, hotels, factories, etc.

Upright fire sprinklers stand upright…imagine that! An upright sprinkler sprays water upwards and the deflector, which is curved, deflects the water back down to produce a hemispherical spray pattern.
Upright fire sprinklers are suited for areas that are difficult to access, like around beams, ducts, and other ceiling obstructions.

It’s probably easy to figure out where a sidewall fire sprinkler is meant to be installed. They protrude through the wall and basically only have half of a deflector, which sprays water in a half circle or crescent shape.
They’re designed to protect small rooms, hallways, and other areas where sprinkler pipes are running up walls but not in the ceiling. A Sprinklers that gives a downward parabolic pattern discharge.

Concealed fire sprinklers are somewhat like pendent fire sprinklers; however, they’re located within the ceiling and they’re hidden by a cover plate. Once the cover plate is installed, you can’t see the concealed fire sprinkler at all. The cover plate will fall off at a temperature about 20 degrees lower than the fire sprinkler, allowing the deflector of the concealed sprinkler to drop and be exposed to the heat from the fire.

Quick Response
A quick response sprinkler discharges water higher on the walls to keep the fire from climbing and maintain lower ceiling temperatures.
Quick response sprinklers got their name from their slightly faster response time when compared to standard response sprinklers. Their only physical difference is the bulb size. The standard response sprinkler has a 5 mm glass bulb and the quick response sprinkler has a 3 mm glass bulb.

Kitchen Hood
Efficient Fire Suppression and Prevention system Liquid potassium phosphate is used to extinguish grease and cooking oil fires. On contact with the oil, the liquid turns into foam, preventing oxygen from reaching the fire and cooling the area.

Rack Sprinkler
A sprinkler that is installed on a storage rack. A sprinkler equipped with integral shields to protect its operating elements from the discharge of the sprinklers installed at higher elevations. The water shield prevents wetting of the thermal sensing element by water from sprinklers at a higher elevation in the rack or at ceiling level. And when your facility houses high-hazard items, such as flammable liquids, paper or exposed plastics, it’s even more important.

Extended Pendent / Extended Sidewall
A sprinkler where the area of coverage exceeds that given for a standard sprinkler based on the occupancy being protected. A sprinkler which extends the usual maximum area of protection at increased spacing and listed as an EC sprinkler. These sprinklers are typically used in hotels, restaurants, office buildings, warehouses, and other areas where it is desirable to reduce the overall number of required sprinklers.
Dry Sprinkler / Deluge Valve
Deluge systems deliver large quantities of water, over a large area, in a relatively short period of time. They are commonly used in fixed fire protection systems whose pipe system is empty until the deluge valve distributes pressurized water from open nozzles or sprinklers.
Sprinkler systems employing open sprinklers that are attached to a piping network that is connected to a water supply through a valve that is opened by the operation of a detection system installed in the same areas as the sprinklers.

Water Curtain System

Water curtain system is one of the active fire suppression systems. In the aspect of fire & life safety, compartmentation of the building plays an important role. Compartmentation means providing the barrier in a large area so that fire/heat/smoke cannot propagate. The barrier can be the fire rated wall (or any assembly) or fire curtains or water curtain.
Water Curtain Pump is connected to the water curtain nozzle through deluge valve. From pump to deluge valve, the pipelines are normally flooded (flooded here means the pipeline contains water pressurized). From deluge valve to water curtain nozzle, the pipelines are dry (no water) When the fire or smoke is detected in one compartment, corresponding fire detection device located in the premise will send a signal to deluge valve to open and subsequently will switch on the pump. Water will be gushing into the water curtain system and reach those nozzles.
These nozzles have special properties for forming a curtain of water preventing smoke/flame/ fire/heat to propagate. this system completely depends on the type, area, orientation & application of building.
Water Mist
The relationship between drop size distribution and extinguishing capacity of a water mist is not straightforward. As a general guideline, however, very fine particles enhance heat absorption and generation of water vapor, since as the droplet diameter decreases, the droplet reaction surface per liter of water increases significantly. Properly designed water mist spray systems can be effective on both liquid fuel (Class B) and solid fuel (Class A) fires. Experiments have shown that droplets smaller than 400 microns are effective for the extinguishment of Class B fires, whereas larger droplet sizes are effective for Class A combustibles.

Fire Suppression

Co2 Flooding
CO2 Fire Suppression System uses carbon dioxide which is very economical and can be used for total flooding system when an area is attacked by intense fire. The co2 gas has a higher ratio of expansion which facilitates rapid discharge and allows for three-dimensional penetration of the entire hazard area quickly. Co2 protects the area and instantly stops the intensity of fire by reducing the content of oxygen. With no residue left behind, the CO2 Fire Suppression System does not damage any sensitive electronic machine. The device can protect a large area which is attacked by fire hazards. Besides, we have expertise in manufacturing CO2 Fire Suppression Systems as well as safely installing them so that these neither cause damage to the electronic machines nor the human life.
Application of this system Flammable liquid storage, Printing presses, Mixing Operations, Industrial Ovens, Paint Lockers, Marine Applications.
A fixed installation designed to displace the oxygen in the protected space and thus extinguish the fire usually used to fight fires in engine rooms, boiler rooms, pump rooms and holds. The system normally consists of a series of large CO2 cylinders. The CO2 is supplied from the cylinder manifold to suitable points with diffusing nozzles. The discharge valve is located in a locked cabinet. Opening the cabinet activates an alarm to give personnel time for evacuation. Since the effectiveness of fixed CO2 fire fighting system diminishes the longer the fire burns, the speed is essential if CO2 is to be effective. It is a dry, inert, non-corrosive gas that will not damage equipment or materials or contaminate liquids or food.
Before the CO2 system can be activated, engines need to be shut off, the machinery space needs to be evacuated, all openings and vent need to be shut and total evacuation has to be verified. types of flooring system as follows;
- Fm 200 Fire Suppression
- Nafs 150 Fire Suppression
- Inergen Suppression
- Electric Panel Suppression
Foam Flooding
Afff Foam Flooding
The Foam Flooding Systems are similar to Water Mist fire suppression systems but use an expanding foam solution mixed with water to extinguish the fire. Foam suppression systems are useful for companies which cannot afford the expensive tank and pump system to operate the sprinklers or for when there is a particularly high risk of highly flammable liquid which may need cover. Automatic or manual fire detection can be used to release a foam and water mixture which will expand on a release of the agent and give a large fire rating cover without the need for large storage or pump tanks.
Applications for a Foam Flooding System include oil and chemical storage, Processing Areas, Military, Heliports.

Grooved Pipe Joints

Grooved fittings are used for connecting Standpipe to control, distribute or support pipeline in different sizes or directions. By groove connection, project time is saved a lot with fast installation and easy maintenance.
The Shield Grooved System provides an economical and efficient piping system solution and offers significant benefits when compared to conventional types of pipe connections including Faster Installation, Because there is no need for welding or heating, the Shield System ensures a safer and reliable working environment , Ensures easy alignment , Reduces noise and vibration , Easy to install and remove in case of any maintenance requirements.
Pipe Fitting
The fire protection pipe and connection fittings are mainly used to connect firefighting equipment, conveying firefighting water and so on. It is also called fire sprinkler pipe and fittings. Due to the special requirements, the thickness and material of the fire protection pipe and fittings have special requirements. According to the regulations, the fire pipeline needs to be sprayed red paint, obviously different with other pipelines. Because the fire protection pipe is often in a static state, so it is required more strict. The fireproof pipe and connection fittings must possess pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature resistance.